bugtom was featured as one of “Tiger Artists” in Tiger Translate website. view it live at : http://www.tigertranslate.com/artist/tom-thanachart-aka-bugtom
Tag: Projects
bugtom’ works has go onto cake and cookies! In associated with A Cake Dream.com, my Thai Art collection has now showing at the Art Gallery Cookies! Check out a Cake Dream’s Art Gallery Cookies for more works from other artists.
bugtom was one of the selected artists to be showcase at Tiger Translate 2008. Tom’s work was showcased under category, “Energy”. In the eyes of the speed of light – The title of my piece says almost everything.
bugtom’s work was shortlisted and showcased at Noise Singapore 2007 under category, “Art and Design”. Noise Singapore Event was held on 7 – 24 December 2007 at The Heeren, 4th floor, Orchard Road, Singapore.